Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Who doesn't like chicken soup?

Photo courtesy of Southern Food
Oh my, grab the tissues.  I just read some of the stories from Chicken Soup for the Soul: Children with Special Needs, Stories of Love and Understanding for Those Who Care for Children with Disabilities.  Yes, it is right on par with what you'd expect with this series.  You know, the stories that touch your heart so deeply that tears shoot out of your eyes?  Yeah, one story in particular took three tissues to get through.  I loved this book and I think you will, too. Read book excerpts here.

What I liked most about the book is that it is such a great way to get a glimpse of what families go through.  Whether it be outside or inside the family structure, so many people just don't understand that people with special needs are people.  People who love and understanding.  People who need compassion and kindness.  Some people just don't realize how hurtful certain comment can be.  This book draws attention to the painful and humorous parts of their lives.

The book isn't just about the sadness and hurt, there are many joyous, celebratory stories that, yes, made me cry tears of joy.  Ok, so I cry a little.  It's my form of emotional release, which since I blew through an entire box of Kleenex, it makes me wonder if I could be in risk of drowning at times. But I digress; as I was saying, the book is good.  Regardless if you leak from your eyes or not, I think you'll like it. 

1 comment:

  1. I love the Chicken Soup books! They are tear jerkers to be sure. I will look into this one the next time I need a good and inspiring cry. I think it would be eye-opening to see what parents go through when they are raising a child with special needs. I am sure I would learn more about how to talk to my son about interacting with people that are different from him.
