Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Thoughts on Multimedia

As I was browsing some fellow blogger's sites, I came across a tidbit that hit me like a brick to the head, "Of course, why didn't I think of that?"  In blogging about the topic of disabilities and special needs, it occurs to me that I should practice what I preach. 

What I am babbling on about is the practice of using media as an assistance tool.  This blog uses audio files for the visually or reading impaired.  The audio file is attached to every blog and reads the blog to the viewer. KUDOS goes to REALITY 101: CEC'S  blog for new special education teachers!  You are modeling awareness and compassion by considering the potential needs of your readers.

Now, I have to run!  I have to start creating audio files and researching how to add this feature to my blogs - thank you Reality 101 for the inspiration and modelling good practices for all bloggers and blog readers, not just those blogs dedicated to the topic of special needs!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Performance Arts and the Special Needs Community

Performing Arts schools are provided for mainstream America but what about our special needs community?  There are some spectacular programs across the US like SPARC and I want to create one here in Michiana.

In my experience as a music teacher working with children and adults with special needs, I have come to learn that my students want to perform.  The problem is in having no place or forum in which to shine their gifts to an audience.

So, this is my question to you?  Would you support having a performing arts school in our community?  A school where students would learn, create and perform.  Do you see the value in offering such a program?  I hope you see the value as much as I do.

The special needs community wants to SHINE for you.  What do you think?  Are you ready?  Is Michiana ready for its own special needs performing arts school? Select your answer on the poll above.