Thursday, February 13, 2014

Autism Debate - what is the cause?

Jenny McCarthy, Dr. Jerry Kartzinel and J.B. Handley, co-founder of Generation Rescue, join The Doctors to discuss the causes of autism. Are vaccines to blame? Watch the first part of the heated debate.

For more, visit:

Are vaccines to blame? Watch the second part of the heated debate.


  1. As an advocate for Autism awareness, I have a deep appreciation for your contributions on the subject matter. Based upon my extensive studies I have come to understand that there was in a fact a reported causal link between autism and the MMR vaccine which in turn panicked mothers, and led to a swift drop in vaccination rates in infants. However, the Lancet formally retracted the paper after internal investigations found misconduct in the original research. Therefore, it has been concluded that symptoms arising soon after the vaccine is given is a coincidence. Although the original research had elements of misconduct, it is still a good topic for debate.

  2. Since I have a special ed. minor, I have done a little bit of research, though not enough to say I know everything that's going on. As a response to the first video, correlation is not causation. Simply because crime and ice cream sales rise at the same time doesn't mean ice cream causes violence (credit to my P 360 class for that example). I agree that we shouldn't stop looking at vaccines, but scaring parents into not vaccinating for deadly diseases is not the answer either. Great idea for a discussion.
